
“If you’ve got a phone, you’ve got a lawyer” is familiar to many Americans of a certain generation who have lived in the mid-Atlantic. Fast-forward to the present and a significant population of the world depends on their mobile phone for just about everything to make the everyday without the need for a passport, a credit card, the physical banking infrastructure or really even a bank account.

Fonbnk came to us with the challenge of creating a highly intuitive brand, easy-to-use but still distinctive user interface that works in low bandwidth or restricted data environments to allow as many folks as possible to pay for products & services locally or across the border instantly, securely and without the traditional interchange fees and red tape while converting their mobile phone data minutes into digital currency.


The Brand Identity


The brand palette. Green for money. Charcoal for good luck.


The symbol in the logo is inspired by the Bell telephone rotary dial action. For connecting the dots between legacy and the future.


The Apparel



Taking cues from Afrofuturism and religious iconography, the visual storytelling is aspirational and focuses on the enterprising, younger customer at the center of change.


The App

Julius Talvik

Circular product and service design, sustainable innovation, brand strategy, and digital and physical applications.


